Properties of the TMyCommand class.
For a complete list of the TMyCommand class members, see the TMyCommand Members topic.
Name | Description |
ChangeCursor (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Enables or disables changing screen cursor when executing commands in the NonBlocking mode.
Debug (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to display the statement that is being executed and the values and types of its parameters.
FinalSQL (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to return a SQL statement with expanded macros.
InsertId |
Returns the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query.
MacroCount (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to get the number of macros associated with the Macros property.
Macros (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Makes it possible to change SQL queries easily.
ParamCheck (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to specify whether parameters for the Params property are implicitly generated when the SQL property is being changed.
ParamCount (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Indicates the number of parameters in the Params property.
Params (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to contain parameters for a SQL statement.
ParamValues (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to get or set the values of individual field parameters that are identified by name.
Prepared (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to indicate whether a query is prepared for execution.
RowsAffected (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to indicate the number of rows which were inserted, updated, or deleted during the last query operation.
SQL (inherited from TCustomDASQL) |
Used to provide a SQL statement that a TCustomDASQL component executes when the Execute method is called.
Name | Description |
CommandTimeout |
Used to specify the amount of time to attempt to execute a command.
Connection |
Used to specify a connection object that will be used to connect to a data store.
See Also